What have you done!
For the MPI-104 class we have a goal to make an online presence on the internet. This is done through a number of websites. the 3 main ones we are using are Blogger, Flickr and Del.icio.us. firstly I set up my blogger account, an oline jurnal where you post things that intrest you or your point of view. Then a Del.icio.us account where you save links to your favourate sites. and finally flicker where you post photos on the net.I struggled to start of with when doing this assingnment expecially when linking everything up. It also takes alot more time than expected to get everything in working order and linked together. However in the last few weeks i have started to get the hang of it all and im becomeing more femilior with how everything works. I struggled with my del.icio.us account with getting interesting links as i dont use the internet all that much. This is one of the reasons why I am doing this subject, to explore more of what can be done online. The Website i find most use full is Flickr, it is a good way you can get your photos out there and share them with your family and friends. Now that i have become more familiour and interested in what can be done in the subject I will be able to be more pro active in my assesments. It is also good to see there is more to the net then porn and my-space....
nooo, what have you done drew!! catchya!!! :)
There's more to the internet than Porn and Myspace Drew where do you get this stuff from!
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