Sunday, April 22, 2007

Red Hot Chilli Peppers!!

In April this year the Red Hot Chilli Peppers played 3 shows at the Aisa Arean in Sydney. We were lucky enough to score 7 tickets to the Tuesday the 17th show of the net before they sold out. My Brother Dave, sister Erin her freind and I all drove up form canberra the afternoon of the show. After driving 3 and a half hours and paying the toll on the M5 we got to the arena.
when we got there we ran into some mates form uni that were going too aswell as mates form canberra who were sitting 2 doors away form us. It was pritty crazy the amount of people that were at the show, but i was not supprised considering it was the Chilli Peppers.
The support band that played, Har mar Superstars were pritty crap. The singer was on stage dancing around in nothing but his underpants, and at one stage with an unbrella. i decided at this point getting a overpriced burben and coke was the best option. After a few of them i dicided to fight the lines at the merch stand to get myself a tour shirt. Then the call came that the Peppers will be on stage in 5 mins. So i proceded to leg it back up the steps and around the arena to where i was seated. Before the band came on stage a mexican wave started that went around the whole arena of some 23,000 people which was pritty dam cool. Then the band came on with deafening cheers form the crowd including some from myself.
They opened with Cant Stop, and played a bunch of songs form there new cd's as well as some old classics. the stage set up was awesome aswell, there was 4 big screens with live footage of the band as well as a massive screen that had some cool shit on it. overall they put on a pritty kick ass show, and the atmasphere of the arena was pritty eletric. The only bad thing about the show was they didnt play some songs, soul to squeeze which is one of my favourate songs. After they went off stage there was huge cheers form the crowd to play an oncour and just when i though they were not going to come back they jumped back on stage. They played an instramental piece for about 10 minurtes aswell where flea played the trumpet. This was really cool because it gave you a side of the band that you dont normally get to hear in their recordings.
After they played i cought up with my mates so see what they were getting up to after the show. But as nothing was really planed for going out i went home back to canberra.
Over all it was a pritty awesome show, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers are definently worth the ticket price to see live.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers Website

Red Hot Chilli Peppers

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